Ill Manors has been in interviews in talk shows such as The Jonathan Ross. In this interview that was being made, Plan B was talking about his political stand point which would be supported with ill manors as this is a film that is mainly based around an audience of 18-45 due to the content that is featured in the film. As well as The Jonathan Ross Show, Plan B has presented a lecture on TEDx which was about the use of the term "Chav" The audience for this lecture would have to be of middle class as well as having to be aged at around 18-45.
This would show that Plan b was trying to make Ill manors appeal to them as well by presenting his view on how the term is used. this would make it so that it could appeal to people besides the lower class as they would already have a personal relation to the film this would be seen as a relatable film to them. However films such as Spectre had also had some mention i the broadcast and this would be his appearances on Talk Shows quite familiar with Jonathan Ross and include Graham Norton Show which is a prime time TV Talk Show that would talk with celebrities and various others.
Friday, 29 April 2016
Monday, 18 April 2016
In this document I will be evaluating the media
task I have produced and discuss the process and the experience in accompanying the
final production. In this section of the course I was assigned to create a 3
minutes film production. The film production, set by the BBFC was an Art-House
film production is called 'The Hunting Season'. It follows the story-line of a
teenager, named Hakim, steals money of a notorious boss. The boss then sets two
Hench men to catch Hakim. It follows the typical genre of action and drama.
completed the film production with a group of four people. Which was of; Lele Obetto, John Gurang and Darnell Lucien.
In this group amongst each other we came up with several of film plans and we
later concluded on one film idea. After concluding on a final idea, we as a
group divided the print out tasks, this way we all were able to contribute to
the group. For example; I covered the shot list sector; where I typed up all
the shots we plan to film.
We created a film production mainly based on
teenagers and it’s like a montage of a typical teenager’s life from the
hoods. Gang life is not a choice; it is a lifestyle to survive. Survive the
hunting season, where predator and prey meet.
existing art-house film ‘Kidulthood’ by Noel Clarke , which is of a group of
troubled 15-year-olds growing up in west London, who get into trouble with drug
lords. ‘Kidulthood’ was based in London streets and was later surprisingly
successful. This film influenced our final film production because we had as
similar story-line and the unique filming techiniques they employed was very intriguing.
What we really liked from the 'Kidulthood' was the use of the short montages to
explain a past story and that helped us to make our story-line more
understandable and fit perfectly to our chosen genre.
art house film which influenced us was 'Reservoir Dogs' by Quentin Tarantino.
This film utilizes very unique filming techniques which draw in their target
audience. For example; when the main protagonist is trying cut someone's ear
off the camera pans, so the audience don't see. This influenced us because we
were able to apply that idea in our film production. For example; when the
main protagonist Hakim is getting
tortured, the camera pans.
main target audience for our film production is of the age group (15 – 25);
this is because it includes violence and inappropriate language. The target
audience percentage of women and men are W-40% and M-60%, this is because this
film has lots of violence, which is mainly associated with Male. This is
supported by the fact that there are only teenage boys in our entire film
production and no females. The demographic target audience of ‘The Hunting
Season’ is ABC1, mainly towards those in education and working class. The
psychographics target audience group for ‘The Hunting Season’ is Mainstreams.
Mainstreamers tend to seek security and be domestic and many people are
Mainstreamers. The Hunting Season also targets Reformers, this is because
reformers are people who seek for enlightenment, people who like to be free and
enjoy life and this film production would fit perfectly with this target
In our
chosen target audience we have discovered few advantages and disadvantages.
Firstly, our target audience fits well with our story-line. Our film production
intrigues many teenagers; this is because our film is based around London
streets and so therefore this is something they can relate to. Furthermore, our
film production story line includes street violence and this is something most
black teenagers are accused of in London.
film production ‘The Hunting Season’ follows the typical genre of Action and
Drama. This is evident in our film production. There are specific action scenes
in our film production and this makes the drama scenes more interesting. For
example; towards the end of our production Hakim, former gang member, is caught
by the two Hench men and put in a dark room. In this scene you see the main
actor, Hakim, getting punished for his actions. Our film production has lots of
drama to intrigue our target audience group. For example; Hakim steals the main
boss’s money and is on the run.
most interesting scene in our film production is the opening scene, which
instantly intrigues the viewers. The opening scene is of the main boss, sitting
down and his two Hench men creating a threatening message to their victim,
Hakim. In the opening scene all the actors are dressed in black and the two
Hench men are wearing Rat masks. The colour black is mainly associated with
power and makes them seem more frightening.
use of the clothing colours have been employed perfectly to illustrate each
individual. Furthermore, the two Hench men are wearing Rat masks; firstly the
rat masks are mainly utilized in order for them to hide their identity on
camera. Also, the rat masks seem very frightening and it helps to give link to
Art-House films.
opening scene uses low key lighting and there’s a little bit of light coming
from the corner, which hits their face. It is set in a dark room; this creates
mystery and brings fear upon Hakim when he finally plays the message later on.
The opening scene is of a medium shot, in this shot you can see everyone but
the camera slowly zooms in. One of the Hench men start to speak and the scene
then jumps on to a new shot, with the audio of the Henchmen still speaking in the
background. The new shot is of Hakim walking down a stairs and playing the
message. The camera starts of as a long shot to show Hakim walking from a
distance. Then it the camera pans and tracks Hakim, as he’s holding a phone
listening to message. The camera zooms into his face to show his facial
expressions and then the camera zooms out, showing Hakim put the phone away and
put on a cap to hide his face and jogs off.
opening scene is really good because it’s interesting and instantly intrigues
the audience, as they would want to know what happens after the warning is
given. This creates enigma codes such as; does he obey? Does he continue
running? Does he get caught? However, the only downfall to this scene is that
it takes up lots of time, that scene alone is 1 minute, so we had to cut out
lots of particular scenes.
In my
print work I created 3 pages, which consist of front cover, double analysis and
contents page. The front cover is of the main boss standing holding a black
bag, with the colour scheme of black and white. The colour black is associated
with black and so therefore makes him seem more powerful and dangerous. I chose
this colour scheme so the viewer’s instantly acknowledge that he is important
and has perhaps plays a big part in the film production. The double page spread
is of the two Hench men standing on the sides and the boss in the middle, all
looking straight at the camera. The colour scheme for that wasn’t black and
white but clear with touch of purple and blue. Finally, the contents page is
plain white with bold black text. Also, in the left corner there is a split
image, with an image of the main protagonist and one with the boss. My strength
was that I made the brochures eye-catching. However, the only issue I had was
that I never kept a consistent colour scheme throughout.

are many different representations of the people present in the 3 minute film
production, typical of an action and drama genre. Applying Props theory we can
see that the main protagonist is Hakim, this is because the film is mainly
based around him and all his actions. In this extract there’s no clear hero
because all consistently do wrong. The boss is seen as the villain in this
extract, as he sets people on missions to kill. Also, the Henchmen are
portrayed as typical sidekicks. In addition, applying Todorov’s theory, the
equilibrium is that everything was free and unharmed. The disequilibrium to
this film production is when the boss sends the Henchmen and the main
protagonist gets captured. These key events within the production help enforce
Todorov’s theory. Applying Barthes theory there many enigma codes within this
extract. For example; at the beginning of the extract; will Hakim get caught?
What happens when Hakim does get caught? How will Hakim survive?
With a
third brief online blog it would support to promote and bring about the film
production. On my film website, alongside all the film information, I would put
the blog. This is because when people view the website they would also see the
blog. The blog would give them regular updates on information. I would make the
colour scheme very much similar to the brochures, this way it would be more
intriguing and eye-catching. I would add all the songs played in the song and
perhaps give steps on how to we created this film and ways to create it. For example;
Plan B’s film page, where he wrote the British film ‘Ill Manors’. In his
webpage he uploaded the films playlist as well as giving tips to younger audience
wanting to become like him.
For my
Media task, I with a group together created a film production, which was 3
minutes long. Also I produced a film brochure, which consisted of 3 pages. I
personally believe that we met the target for our brief set by AQA. My
strengths within the process of creating the film production was that my film
idea that I brought to surface was successful and fits perfectly to our
anticipated genre group of action and drama.
Friday, 26 February 2016
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Attack the Block
Attack the Block
Brief: Attack the Block follows an unlucky young woman and and a gang of tough inner-city kids who make an unlikely alliance to try to defend their turf against an invasion of savage alien creatures, turning a South London apartment complex into a war-zone.
Attack the block was released in 13 May 2011. Follows the typical genre of Action, Thriller, Comedy and Sci- fi, which was writen and directed by Joe Cornish. Attack the Block is mainly about 5 teenagers from the streets of South London, Peck ham, who kill an alien inside a garage. Then later on discover an invasion and therefore get geared up to eliminate all the aliens. Towards the end of the movie they realise that the aliens are here for vengeance and all here to kill Moses. Moses succeeds and kills all the aliens. He is then brought to surface by officers and arrested. The teenagers are dressed as typical street gang members, wearing black hoodies, caps and armed with weapons. At the start of the movie they robbed a ring form a lady, who later helps them survive. Their actions throughout the film later goes agaisnt the typical stereotypes of young teenagers on the streets of South London because they help the lady.
This movie fitted perfectly in to its chosen genre of Action and Thriller. For example; towards the end of the film, Moses runs down the corridor carrying fire rockets, in order to blow up the aliens. This movie was quiet uncomfortable as it had utilized scenes of animals ripping out the flesh of youngsters.
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
The Hunting season
Be prepared !!!!!
It that time of the year were the London communities need to once again be deeply educated about the British gang lifestyles. We plan to create a film production mainly based on teenagers and its like a montage of a typical teenagers life from the hoods. Gang life is not a choice, it is a lifestyle to survive. Survive the hunting season, where predator and prey meet.
The hunting season is going embrace the stressful, dangerous and damaged lifestyle of gang members. A boss who makes it his Hench men's mission to find and catch a teenager who owes him money. Like many gang members, they teenager then goes on a run and tries to survive.
They are like ruthless dogs that have no emotions.
Hunting season's one and only Hakim- a former gang member who realised that being in a gang was a waste of time, but his former gang make time to make sure they get him. Hakim now is always accompanied by his best friend Lucas, who is a former gang member and a trafficker. Lucas always tends to faint and become traumatized every time him and Hakim walk down same tunnel their gang use to stay and its where they had most fights. So his damaging thoughts and reminders cause for him to get caught later on.
The don, Donald Price "Don" - Don is most notorious and biggest drug lord. He is seen as the gangs boss and its him who assigns people to do things like catching Hakim and selling drugs to certain people. He tells two Hench men that he will give them 1 million pounds if they catch Hakim and bring him back alive.
We have a range of different people in our film production crew to allow us to meet key conventions of a typical British gang life. We assigned each crew member to a role which we believed would fit perfectly with the acting and appearance. Also, we choose certain shots to allow each member to come out most appealing and understandable. It truly tries to appeal from a cinematic perspective in order to make the true face of gang life as interesting as it already is.
Be prepared !!!!!
It that time of the year were the London communities need to once again be deeply educated about the British gang lifestyles. We plan to create a film production mainly based on teenagers and its like a montage of a typical teenagers life from the hoods. Gang life is not a choice, it is a lifestyle to survive. Survive the hunting season, where predator and prey meet.
The hunting season is going embrace the stressful, dangerous and damaged lifestyle of gang members. A boss who makes it his Hench men's mission to find and catch a teenager who owes him money. Like many gang members, they teenager then goes on a run and tries to survive.
They are like ruthless dogs that have no emotions.
Hunting season's one and only Hakim- a former gang member who realised that being in a gang was a waste of time, but his former gang make time to make sure they get him. Hakim now is always accompanied by his best friend Lucas, who is a former gang member and a trafficker. Lucas always tends to faint and become traumatized every time him and Hakim walk down same tunnel their gang use to stay and its where they had most fights. So his damaging thoughts and reminders cause for him to get caught later on.
The don, Donald Price "Don" - Don is most notorious and biggest drug lord. He is seen as the gangs boss and its him who assigns people to do things like catching Hakim and selling drugs to certain people. He tells two Hench men that he will give them 1 million pounds if they catch Hakim and bring him back alive.
We have a range of different people in our film production crew to allow us to meet key conventions of a typical British gang life. We assigned each crew member to a role which we believed would fit perfectly with the acting and appearance. Also, we choose certain shots to allow each member to come out most appealing and understandable. It truly tries to appeal from a cinematic perspective in order to make the true face of gang life as interesting as it already is.
Target audience are intrested in:
- Action and thriller films
- latest films
- Celebrities
- gaming
- new technology
They listing I have noted above are many things majority of our target audience will have interest in. We aim to start of at 15 and above so it was clear to say they'll be interested in new technology and fighting based films. We plan to use several things from the listing in our film production so it fits perfectly with our target audience. For example; we plan to add few fight scenes or interrogation scene which will have a link to action and thriller films.
Photoshop tutorial clips
first tutorial- Photoshop reflection tools
Second tutorial- Photoshop pixel desperation tools
Third tutorial- Photoshop
Friday, 22 January 2016
Brief- Our film is going to be mainly about a man who is trying to escape from a group people, who make it their mission to eliminate him. He is later caught and interrogated with violent actions.
Therefore, in order to make this plot to come across understanding and easily to follow, we have to be precise on the shots we employ. We want the shots that we choose to be best fit and played at the right times.
Shot 1- We going start the scene as a man panicking and running out of breath, constantly looking back.
Shot 2- He runs in down a dark alleyway. This is going to start of as a medium shot to show the characters expression
Shot 3- then its going slowly zoom out to an long shot enabling the audience to see where this is happening.
Shot 4 - We going to then have the character jump over obstacles and try climb fences. This will make it clear to the audience that he is trying to escape and he is frightened.
Shot 5- This shot is going to be a extreme long shot, showing the villains or the gang members running down the same alley with weapons in their hands. This will come out clear to audience that they trying to chase the main protagonist and that he is the films victim.
Shot 6- Then there's going to be a black out.
Shot 7- After the black-out we going to show scenes explaining the reasons to why the main protagonist is being chased.
Shot 8- So a scene of a boss sitting in a dark room with a picture of the main protagonist in his hand.
Shot 9- Two men come in.
Shot 10- The boss stands up and smashes the picture on the table.
Shot 11 - camera back on the two villains and then the boss says "i want him dead or alive, he needs to understand that he shouldn't mess around with a millionaires money"
Shot 12- the boss grabs a black gym bag from the side and also puts it on the table. He slowly opens it up . camera zooms in and shows lots of money. He then speaks again and says "this is all yours if you complete your job
Shot 13 - Shows a slow motion shot of the 2 men walking slowly down with their backs to camera.
with music playing in the background to create excitement and tension.
shot 14 - Long shot of main protagonist walking under a tunnel. Long shot allowing the audience where the scene is set.
shot 15- close up shot of the main protagonist face. To show the characters expression and face.
Shot 16- Main protaganist stops for second and dreams about all the violent memories he's had.
Shot 17- drops to the floor, knees first, holding his head
Shot 18- a quick montage of the his memory flashing
Shot 19- he just drops laid down holding his hand out
Shot 20- his friends sees on the floor and then asks " are you okay, what you doing on the floor bruv"
Shot 21- the friend pulls his hand out and offers to help him up
shot 22- Then shot of the 2 antagonist walking under the same tunnel.
shot 23- Then shot of main protagonist looking back because he hears footsteps
shot 24- After a shot of the 2 antagonist looking up and they see some one in front of them walking.
shot 25- They look down at the picture of the person
shot 26- then shot of the main protagonist face again
shot 27- Then a long shot of 2 the antagonist looking up instantly; after realising he the person that they were looking for.
shot 28- Then shot of the main protagonist running away once again
shot 29- then shot of the 2 men chasing behind him.
shot 30 - shot of the friend run a different direction, this way the villains can focus on just the main protagonist.
shot 31- then a extreme shot showing the main protagonist getting chased by the two men.
shot 32- then the main protagonist runs into a trap (long shot- showing character
shot 33-shot of the big wall and fence, showing that he can't escape
shot 34- shot of the two villains running and closing him down
shot 35- close up of villains face- showing that they are furious and out of breath
shot 36- one of the villains gets closer to the main protagonist
shot 37-medium showing the villain grabbing the protagonist
shot 38-the protagonist slaps his hands off and tries running
shot 39- the other villain joins and holds onto the protagonist
shot 40- the first villain punches the protagonist in the stomach ( slow- motion)
shot 41- close up of the villains fist meeting the face of the protagonist
shot 42- both villains start brutally beating him
shot 43- the protagonist tries to shout out for help and no hears him.
shot 44- long shot showing the villains holding up the protagonist
shot 45- then the boss comes into the scene and pulls out a gun.
shot 46- black out
shot 47- then background sound of gunshot
Brief- Our film is going to be mainly about a man who is trying to escape from a group people, who make it their mission to eliminate him. He is later caught and interrogated with violent actions.
Therefore, in order to make this plot to come across understanding and easily to follow, we have to be precise on the shots we employ. We want the shots that we choose to be best fit and played at the right times.
Shot 1- We going start the scene as a man panicking and running out of breath, constantly looking back.
Shot 2- He runs in down a dark alleyway. This is going to start of as a medium shot to show the characters expression
Shot 3- then its going slowly zoom out to an long shot enabling the audience to see where this is happening.
Shot 4 - We going to then have the character jump over obstacles and try climb fences. This will make it clear to the audience that he is trying to escape and he is frightened.
Shot 5- This shot is going to be a extreme long shot, showing the villains or the gang members running down the same alley with weapons in their hands. This will come out clear to audience that they trying to chase the main protagonist and that he is the films victim.
Shot 6- Then there's going to be a black out.
Shot 7- After the black-out we going to show scenes explaining the reasons to why the main protagonist is being chased.
Shot 8- So a scene of a boss sitting in a dark room with a picture of the main protagonist in his hand.
Shot 9- Two men come in.
Shot 10- The boss stands up and smashes the picture on the table.
Shot 11 - camera back on the two villains and then the boss says "i want him dead or alive, he needs to understand that he shouldn't mess around with a millionaires money"
Shot 12- the boss grabs a black gym bag from the side and also puts it on the table. He slowly opens it up . camera zooms in and shows lots of money. He then speaks again and says "this is all yours if you complete your job
Shot 13 - Shows a slow motion shot of the 2 men walking slowly down with their backs to camera.
with music playing in the background to create excitement and tension.
shot 14 - Long shot of main protagonist walking under a tunnel. Long shot allowing the audience where the scene is set.
shot 15- close up shot of the main protagonist face. To show the characters expression and face.
Shot 16- Main protaganist stops for second and dreams about all the violent memories he's had.
Shot 17- drops to the floor, knees first, holding his head
Shot 18- a quick montage of the his memory flashing
Shot 19- he just drops laid down holding his hand out
Shot 20- his friends sees on the floor and then asks " are you okay, what you doing on the floor bruv"
Shot 21- the friend pulls his hand out and offers to help him up
shot 22- Then shot of the 2 antagonist walking under the same tunnel.
shot 23- Then shot of main protagonist looking back because he hears footsteps
shot 24- After a shot of the 2 antagonist looking up and they see some one in front of them walking.
shot 25- They look down at the picture of the person
shot 26- then shot of the main protagonist face again
shot 27- Then a long shot of 2 the antagonist looking up instantly; after realising he the person that they were looking for.
shot 28- Then shot of the main protagonist running away once again
shot 29- then shot of the 2 men chasing behind him.
shot 30 - shot of the friend run a different direction, this way the villains can focus on just the main protagonist.
shot 31- then a extreme shot showing the main protagonist getting chased by the two men.
shot 32- then the main protagonist runs into a trap (long shot- showing character
shot 33-shot of the big wall and fence, showing that he can't escape
shot 34- shot of the two villains running and closing him down
shot 35- close up of villains face- showing that they are furious and out of breath
shot 36- one of the villains gets closer to the main protagonist
shot 37-medium showing the villain grabbing the protagonist
shot 38-the protagonist slaps his hands off and tries running
shot 39- the other villain joins and holds onto the protagonist
shot 40- the first villain punches the protagonist in the stomach ( slow- motion)
shot 41- close up of the villains fist meeting the face of the protagonist
shot 42- both villains start brutally beating him
shot 43- the protagonist tries to shout out for help and no hears him.
shot 44- long shot showing the villains holding up the protagonist
shot 45- then the boss comes into the scene and pulls out a gun.
shot 46- black out
shot 47- then background sound of gunshot
24 hours in the lives of three young men in the French suburbs the day after a violent riot.
This movie
The Film La Haine was first released in France and United states of America, in 1995. The dominant genre of La Haine is crime and drama. This movie came out in different languages, English and French. The film la Haine estimated film budget was €2,590,000 also in its gross in the united states of America was $309,811. The production company of La Haine was Canal+.
In the film there a few close up shots. This is perhaps because they want to illustrate characters attitude and emotions through shots of faces. Also this mainly follows the genre of crime , so I its essential to include close ups to show how the person is feeling.
Also, there are many shots focused on the guns they have, this is used inorder for it to fit perfectly with the genre of crime.
It is mainly about three young men and their time in the French ghetto, over a span of twenty-four hours. Vinz, a Jew, Saïd, an Arab, and Hubert, a black boxer, have grown up in these French suburbs where high levels of diversity coupled with the racist and oppressive police force have raised tensions to a critical breaking point. During the riots that took place a night before, a police officer lost his handgun in the ensuing madness, only to leave it for Vinz to find. Now, with a newfound means to gain the respect he deserves, Vinz vows to kill a cop if his friend Abdel dies in the hospital, due the beating he received while in police custody
24 hours in the lives of three young men in the French suburbs the day after a violent riot.
This movie
The Film La Haine was first released in France and United states of America, in 1995. The dominant genre of La Haine is crime and drama. This movie came out in different languages, English and French. The film la Haine estimated film budget was €2,590,000 also in its gross in the united states of America was $309,811. The production company of La Haine was Canal+.
In the film there a few close up shots. This is perhaps because they want to illustrate characters attitude and emotions through shots of faces. Also this mainly follows the genre of crime , so I its essential to include close ups to show how the person is feeling.
Also, there are many shots focused on the guns they have, this is used inorder for it to fit perfectly with the genre of crime.
It is mainly about three young men and their time in the French ghetto, over a span of twenty-four hours. Vinz, a Jew, Saïd, an Arab, and Hubert, a black boxer, have grown up in these French suburbs where high levels of diversity coupled with the racist and oppressive police force have raised tensions to a critical breaking point. During the riots that took place a night before, a police officer lost his handgun in the ensuing madness, only to leave it for Vinz to find. Now, with a newfound means to gain the respect he deserves, Vinz vows to kill a cop if his friend Abdel dies in the hospital, due the beating he received while in police custody
- shot list- Assigned to me
- story board- Assigned to Darnell
- script- assigned to john
- schedule- assigned to lele
- Micenscene- assigned to lele
- photoshoot
I completed 50 shots, which matches the story board and the script. Which we will be shooting.
Darnell completed story board which he sketched most of the scenes which we plan to include in the video.
John created the script and we helped him to create the final piece. We made sure that he matched the it with the shot list and story board
Darnell completed story board which he sketched most of the scenes which we plan to include in the video.
John created the script and we helped him to create the final piece. We made sure that he matched the it with the shot list and story board
Since the sixth of January, we have finished the greater part of our pre-production uding yet not restricted to the script and mise-en-scene record, we have the vast majority of our props that'll be utilized as a part of the film and we have affirmed with every one of the general population we need in the film, when they should be accessible for. The storyboard and shot run down for the creation might should be re-taken a gander at with regards to scenes/parts of scenes we might have included or changed in the course of recent days.
Shooting for the production art on 12/01/16 with the sound recordings having been finished. For this to happen however we have to guarantee that everybody we plan to host in the get-together scene of the 3-minute clasp, will be accessible on the day that shooting happens on and notwithstanding this we need every one of the props that we wanted to use prepared
Went to arrange taping for the creation ought to be finished on the in the first place, if not second week of February. For the photograph shoot , the fundamental things that we require are suitable apparel for the principle character to really convey the quality that we need to with perusers, every one of the props, for example, the syringe that will be utilized as a part of the creation to kill the gathered target furthermore that same performing artist that really will be playing that mixed up target.
Shooting for the production art on 12/01/16 with the sound recordings having been finished. For this to happen however we have to guarantee that everybody we plan to host in the get-together scene of the 3-minute clasp, will be accessible on the day that shooting happens on and notwithstanding this we need every one of the props that we wanted to use prepared
Went to arrange taping for the creation ought to be finished on the in the first place, if not second week of February. For the photograph shoot , the fundamental things that we require are suitable apparel for the principle character to really convey the quality that we need to with perusers, every one of the props, for example, the syringe that will be utilized as a part of the creation to kill the gathered target furthermore that same performing artist that really will be playing that mixed up target.
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Research and Planning
Title of publication - written in big, bold letters to state the programme. Made more appealing through the use of font colours, too. The Colour scheme - as mentioned before, fonts have bright, vibrant colours that possibly look like fireworks, and this is very well fitting as we associate this with a "festival. The Language - as mentioned on the convention notes, it is 'economical' because it states "in partnership with" "American Express". Very snappy too as it states it's business and it's business, only. The Date - states the film festival's date, and is clearly written
BFI leaflet of 2015 unquestionably has tried different things with the utilization of various hues a great deal, and the shading plan is what they're typically known not. However this handout specifically from them has rather utilized models that has the brilliant plan connected

Title of publication - written in big, bold letters to state the programme. Made more appealing through the use of font colours, too. The Colour scheme - as mentioned before, fonts have bright, vibrant colours that possibly look like fireworks, and this is very well fitting as we associate this with a "festival. The Language - as mentioned on the convention notes, it is 'economical' because it states "in partnership with" "American Express". Very snappy too as it states it's business and it's business, only. The Date - states the film festival's date, and is clearly written
BFI leaflet of 2015 unquestionably has tried different things with the utilization of various hues a great deal, and the shading plan is what they're typically known not. However this handout specifically from them has rather utilized models that has the brilliant plan connected

- Black and white imaegs
- images with colour
- white background on left side
- big and bold page number

- white background and black text
- visible
- uses bright colours
- uses pictures on both pages
- uses dark colours
- only one main image in the centre of the contents page
- provides page numbers
- bold and big title
- One central image
- shows all page number
- contents page heading big and bold

- contents page title covers both pages and its bold
- many small images scattered around the double page
- use of bright colours
- small black text
Uses dark toned colours, doesn't seem like a happy and exciting
Using the dafont website am going to try and find the best suitable font to fit perfectly with my chosen theme.
This print uses dark colours which fits perfectly with Horror. I have few dark toned pictures so i think this is really helpful.
the use of the exaggeration is really good as it would attract the audiences and this is something I plan to use in my print. Black and white colour scheme and only employs two images placed at the top and bottom. I t uses lots of texts around the page.
Black and white colour scheme and only employs two images placed at the top and bottom. I t uses lots of texts around the page.
Friday, 15 January 2016
what makes a film a British film :
- Whether the actors are British or not.
- If the location of the movie is in Britain
- Is it related to a normal British lifestyle
- Does it contain stereotypical British items, e.g. a London Bus
The difference between a British production context and a Hollywood production context is that British productions often rely on a much lower budget, character-driven plot and also the word of mouth for the film to reach people.
- Spectacle driven stories
- High Budgeted movies
- Heavy reliance
British actor who tends to make lots of money for American film institution's : James Bond
The James Bond franchise started in the early 1960s which was roughly the time when all the popular American movies were beginning to be released.
Groups that often feature in British films are the youth and women. Youth for example, often feature in films to do with things like opposition to establishment and violence such as 'A Clockwork Orange' and also 'Attack The Block.'
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Film review-
La Haine
24 hours in the lives of three young men in the French suburbs the day after a violent riot.
This movie
The Film La Haine was first released in France and United states of America, in 1995. The dominant genre of La Haine is crime and drama. This movie came out in different languages, English and French. The film la Haine estimated film budget was €2,590,000 also in its gross in the united states of America was $309,811. The production company of La Haine was Canal+.
In the film there a few close up shots. This is perhaps because they want to illustrate characters attitude and emotions through shots of faces. Also this mainly follows the genre of crime , so I its essential to include close ups to show how the person is feeling.
Also, there are many shots focused on the guns they have, this is used inorder for it to fit perfectly with the genre of crime.
It is mainly about three young men and their time in the French ghetto, over a span of twenty-four hours. Vinz, a Jew, Saïd, an Arab, and Hubert, a black boxer, have grown up in these French suburbs where high levels of diversity coupled with the racist and oppressive police force have raised tensions to a critical breaking point. During the riots that took place a night before, a police officer lost his handgun in the ensuing madness, only to leave it for Vinz to find. Now, with a newfound means to gain the respect he deserves, Vinz vows to kill a cop if his friend Abdel dies in the hospital, due the beating he received while in police custody
La Haine
24 hours in the lives of three young men in the French suburbs the day after a violent riot.
This movie
The Film La Haine was first released in France and United states of America, in 1995. The dominant genre of La Haine is crime and drama. This movie came out in different languages, English and French. The film la Haine estimated film budget was €2,590,000 also in its gross in the united states of America was $309,811. The production company of La Haine was Canal+.
In the film there a few close up shots. This is perhaps because they want to illustrate characters attitude and emotions through shots of faces. Also this mainly follows the genre of crime , so I its essential to include close ups to show how the person is feeling.
Also, there are many shots focused on the guns they have, this is used inorder for it to fit perfectly with the genre of crime.
It is mainly about three young men and their time in the French ghetto, over a span of twenty-four hours. Vinz, a Jew, Saïd, an Arab, and Hubert, a black boxer, have grown up in these French suburbs where high levels of diversity coupled with the racist and oppressive police force have raised tensions to a critical breaking point. During the riots that took place a night before, a police officer lost his handgun in the ensuing madness, only to leave it for Vinz to find. Now, with a newfound means to gain the respect he deserves, Vinz vows to kill a cop if his friend Abdel dies in the hospital, due the beating he received while in police custody
The characters which will be starring in our photoshoot for the front cover will be the main protagonist and one of the villains of 'The Hunting Season'- Hakim and one of the gangsters.
This will give the audience a clear understanding that the film plot has a hug relevance to those two characters and many more.
We are going dress Hakim, the main protagonist, as casual and ordinary person you'll expect to see on the streets. However, we going to follow the typical stereotype of gangsters and dress the villain in all black , with black mask covering both face and neck and also a black hoodie. This indicate to the audience that he's intimidating and perhaps one of the great movie villains This will be hugely supported by the pose of the villain holding his hand out trying to strangle Hakim.
The characters which will be starring in our photoshoot for the front cover will be the main protagonist and one of the villains of 'The Hunting Season'- Hakim and one of the gangsters.
This will give the audience a clear understanding that the film plot has a hug relevance to those two characters and many more.
We are going dress Hakim, the main protagonist, as casual and ordinary person you'll expect to see on the streets. However, we going to follow the typical stereotype of gangsters and dress the villain in all black , with black mask covering both face and neck and also a black hoodie. This indicate to the audience that he's intimidating and perhaps one of the great movie villains This will be hugely supported by the pose of the villain holding his hand out trying to strangle Hakim.
For our contents page we going employ a picture of Hakim holding a black gym bag with a friend, walking down an alley. The same alley will be shown in our final film production of 'The Hunting Season'. Furthermore, we are going to employ images of violent films such as; Hitman, Taken and many more. This supports the audience to get a stronger understanding of the film plot and theme.
For our double page spread we plan to utilize images of actual shots in our film production so for example; capture scene and scene where villains are looking at hakims picture. Also a picture of just the main protagonist and the boss.
Black gym Bag
Black mask
Black hoodie
Normal hat
A baseball bat ( rounder's school bats)
Shot List
Medium shot - a shot of the main protagonist and friend together, whilst Hakim holding a gym bag
Medium shot- A shot of one of the villains holding a bat and held around Hakims neck
Long Shot- a shot of both villains with mask and holding a baseball bat pointing it towards the camera.
O-T-S-S- a shot villain holding the picture of hakim and other villain pointing
Long shot- A shot showing the villains holding hakim
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Darnell- Darnell will be portraying the character Donald price who is perceived as a king pin and is the head of the gang. he is not like a general leader of the gang as he is perceived like a veteran and they refer to him as 'Don' or 'Mr Price'
Lele- Mr Lele Obetto will be portraying the roll of 'Benjamin' a hired mafia mercenary
Abdi- will portray the character Malik who is the main protagonist in this production. Malik is a former gang member who has been experiencing flashbacks of his experience as a gang member after crossing paths with old settings.
John- Marvin will portray the character of Lucas who is now Maliks closest freinds and has relatively never been involved in the supposed 'gang life'
further casting will be confirmed
park royal tunnel- why we chose this as our original setting is because of the dark setting we can implicate by generate with each of our shots. this will truly clarify our camera work. this will be our secondary location as it cannot signify the importance of our primary location.
another location we chose to shoot in was grand union village, why we chose this location is because it is a convenient location to film clear shots where the set up of the area is relative to our production. grand union village also features a canal which carefully links to the plot of possesses elements of violence.
group of gangsters
Donald Price
magnum gun- this will explore elements of the protagonists troubled childhood and how he has dealt with guns throughout his life and is still having issues with them now.
knife- not definitely used but explicitly details the dangers that symbolise the power and destruction in which can be caused by the knife.
iphone- not entirely important but links to the scene.
smoking products- needed to link in our scene
costume and make-up
hoodies and sweatshirts- basic clothing
make up may be needed if in fact we do decide to participate in a fight scene, however we do not intend to make it seem cliche.
malik may be shown in formal dressing when we see the transformation he had from a gang member to a sophisticated young man.
high key lighting will be used at specific elements especially in the tunnel due to the darkness during when we are shooting
low key lighting will be used when we finally meet the boss' Donald Price' as it will implicate he has a sense of power and dominance
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Fade In:
Park Royal - Dusk
Malik and his friend, Lucas enter a narrow tunnel way, exchanging jokes and laughing.
Malik, Londoner, from Hackney and ex-gang member, formerly ranked Capo laughs, telling Lucas jokes about his night out in a club.
[Laughing hysterically]
A... and then I slapped that slut away from me, she tried groping me!
Lucas, Londoner, from Hackney ex-drug trafficker, walking lifelessly with noticeable enlarged pupils.
Malik, bro, you gotta rock this joint, mannnn... -
Focused on Lucas, Malik suddenly stops
Was' up with you? Les go man, boss is gonna get pissed!
Malik stares into space as he looks back, completely ignoring
I been here holmes.
Lucas squints his eye, laying his right hand out.
The fuck you talking about, Malik?
Malik, looking around almost as if he's exploring a ruin.
This is where Life 1 ended for me, bro.
Lucas, looking at his cigarette confusingly, carelessly throws it on the floor.
Mali, tell me I'm not on a bad trip...
Malik again staring straight ahead of the tunnel, lifelessly.
Transition pan in from iris.
Dissolve in:
Park Royal - Midnight
Gloomy surroundings, muffled, eerie voices.
BENJAMIN, hired mafia mercenary, associated with rival gang
KEEP running, Malik. It only makes me more excited.
Benjamin, slowly lifting his magnum caliber... Shoots
Loud flash bang is heard, sending Malik back to his normal state
Malik, on his chest on the floor and arms spread
Lucas, looking completely alien
BRO, are you okay?!
Yea-... Yeah... lets go.
You got problems, man... or is it me that's just been blazing one too many...
Malik smiles and pats Lucas once on the back, and continues walking through the tunnel
Sorry, bro.
Slow fade out.
Scene 3, fade in:
Malik constantly looking back...
Malik, overflowing with paranoid thoughts of him being chased, so he turns around
Fix up bro, what's the issue
Malik hears a group of people speaking, he then turns around and notices that 3 men are walking slowly behind them.
Malik stops one time and turns around, instantly the 3 men also stop and carefully analyse his face and then bring out a picture. Malik releases they where people after him, so he turned around swiftly and walked very fast forward
What you talking about man, just couple Donnie's
A gang of mercenaries - 3 men each with weapons held in their hand starts following Malik from behind, slightly increasing their pace over time.
Malik looks back once more and the gangsters are only a few metres away, then Malik goes for the run
Malik then runs into a dead end and stops breathing heavily
Oh shit!! Come on lets talk about this
Gang Member
The first villain throws a punch and lands it on Malik in the face
Malik drops to the ground
Then Both gangsters start brutally beating Hakim on the floor
Then the boss comes into the scene, in his car
Pulls out a gun
Then a fade in to black out
Background sounds of Gun shots
Park Royal - Dusk
Malik and his friend, Lucas enter a narrow tunnel way, exchanging jokes and laughing.
Malik, Londoner, from Hackney and ex-gang member, formerly ranked Capo laughs, telling Lucas jokes about his night out in a club.
[Laughing hysterically]
A... and then I slapped that slut away from me, she tried groping me!
Lucas, Londoner, from Hackney ex-drug trafficker, walking lifelessly with noticeable enlarged pupils.
Malik, bro, you gotta rock this joint, mannnn... -
Focused on Lucas, Malik suddenly stops
Was' up with you? Les go man, boss is gonna get pissed!
Malik stares into space as he looks back, completely ignoring
I been here holmes.
Lucas squints his eye, laying his right hand out.
The fuck you talking about, Malik?
Malik, looking around almost as if he's exploring a ruin.
This is where Life 1 ended for me, bro.
Lucas, looking at his cigarette confusingly, carelessly throws it on the floor.
Mali, tell me I'm not on a bad trip...
Malik again staring straight ahead of the tunnel, lifelessly.
Transition pan in from iris.
Dissolve in:
Park Royal - Midnight
Gloomy surroundings, muffled, eerie voices.
BENJAMIN, hired mafia mercenary, associated with rival gang
KEEP running, Malik. It only makes me more excited.
Benjamin, slowly lifting his magnum caliber... Shoots
Loud flash bang is heard, sending Malik back to his normal state
Malik, on his chest on the floor and arms spread
Lucas, looking completely alien
BRO, are you okay?!
Yea-... Yeah... lets go.
You got problems, man... or is it me that's just been blazing one too many...
Malik smiles and pats Lucas once on the back, and continues walking through the tunnel
Sorry, bro.
Slow fade out.
Scene 3, fade in:
Malik constantly looking back...
Malik, overflowing with paranoid thoughts of him being chased, so he turns around
Fix up bro, what's the issue
Malik hears a group of people speaking, he then turns around and notices that 3 men are walking slowly behind them.
Malik stops one time and turns around, instantly the 3 men also stop and carefully analyse his face and then bring out a picture. Malik releases they where people after him, so he turned around swiftly and walked very fast forward
What you talking about man, just couple Donnie's
A gang of mercenaries - 3 men each with weapons held in their hand starts following Malik from behind, slightly increasing their pace over time.
Malik looks back once more and the gangsters are only a few metres away, then Malik goes for the run
Malik then runs into a dead end and stops breathing heavily
Oh shit!! Come on lets talk about this
Gang Member
The first villain throws a punch and lands it on Malik in the face
Malik drops to the ground
Then Both gangsters start brutally beating Hakim on the floor
Then the boss comes into the scene, in his car
Pulls out a gun
Then a fade in to black out
Background sounds of Gun shots
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