Friday, 22 January 2016


  1. shot list-  Assigned to me 
  2. story board- Assigned to Darnell 
  3. script- assigned to john
  4. schedule- assigned to lele
  5. Micenscene- assigned to lele 
  6. photoshoot
I completed 50 shots, which matches the story board and the script. Which we will be shooting. 

Darnell completed story board which he sketched most of the scenes which we plan to include in the video. 

John created the script and we helped him to create the final piece. We made sure that he matched the it with the shot list and story board 

Since the sixth of January, we have finished the greater part of our pre-production uding yet not restricted to the script and mise-en-scene record, we have the vast majority of our props that'll be utilized as a part of the film and we have affirmed with every one of the general population we need in the film, when they should be accessible for. The storyboard and shot run down for the creation might should be re-taken a gander at with regards to scenes/parts of scenes we might have included or changed in the course of recent days.

 Shooting for the production art on 12/01/16 with the sound recordings having been finished. For this to happen however we have to guarantee that everybody we plan to host in the get-together scene of the 3-minute clasp, will be accessible on the day that shooting happens on and notwithstanding this we need every one of the props that we wanted to use prepared
Went to arrange taping for the creation ought to be finished on the in the first place, if not second week of February. For the photograph shoot , the fundamental things that we require are suitable apparel for the principle character to really convey the quality that we need to with perusers, every one of the props, for example, the syringe that will be utilized as a part of the creation to kill the gathered target furthermore that same performing artist that really will be playing that mixed up target.

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